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Individual Donor Levels
Elite Patron

Elite Patrons receive 16 tickets to any event at Turner Street Music Hall, are listed as Elite Patrons in 12 concert programs, and receive 16 Turner Street Music Hall Coffee Mugs.

Gold Patron

Gold Patrons receive 8 tickets to any event at Turner Street Music Hall, are listed as Gold Patrons in 8 concert programs, and receive 8 Turner Street Music Hall Coffee Mugs.

Silver Patron

Silver Patrons receive 4 tickets to any event at Turner Street Music Hall, are listed as Silver Patrons in 6 concert programs, and receive 4 Turner Street Music Hall Coffee Mugs.

Bronze Patron

Bronze Patrons receive 2 tickets to any event at Turner Street Music Hall, are listed as Bronze Patrons in 2 concert programs, and receive 2 Turner Street Music Hall Coffee Mugs.
